Wednesday, November 14, 2007

A big thank you

The knitonthenet team would like to thank everyone who came to Stitch 'n Bitch day for making it such a great occasion. It really was a fabulous day. The stand looked good and was busy all day. The atmosphere was fantastic, with everyone relaxed and happy. The wonderful, vivacious and sexy Jane Waller gave a wonderful talk, knitonthenet Dad and Gavin are both on Youtube in the Son of Stitch 'n Bitch fashion show, and are therefore now officially superstars and Debbie Stoller said our name on Radio Two!

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Here's Debbie presenting her workshop

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Our bustling little stand

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and the wonderful Jane Waller

We should have some more photos for you in the next day or two and a full write up of the day in Issue 4 of

And finally, we would like to thank our great friends and hosts, Gerard and Craig of I Knit London, for putting together a great show. And we hope to see you all next year!

Best wishes
Gavin & Susan
& all the knitonthenet team


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