Monday, April 18, 2011

To Make Your Monday Morning

There's lots and lots going on here at Knitonthenet Towers. Most of it is secret as of yet, and has to do with either the upcoming new site design, (which is within touching distance of being finished - hurrah!) or is part of the coming together of Susan Crawford and Jane Waller's new book, A Stitch in Time volume 2. Of course, we can't spoil the surprise of either of those quite yet, but there are some other rather good things on our own websites ( and and lovely new things in the knitonthenet shop that we'd love to share.

Susan shared a brilliant poem on her blog, Just call me Ruby, this past week that will make you giggle. Especially if you have ever put an item of knitwear into the wash and had it come out only to fit either a dolly, or an elephant... Bridget's Blunder.
Nobody Owens, image copyright Giles Babbidge
I have added another couple of pieces to my series of sock art, the Mrs Minivers with the Progression of Nobody Owens. Here I tell the story behind this latest piece with yarn and colour decisions.

Technical editor extraordinaire, Jen Arnall-Culliford has been working with Susan on A Stitch in Time volume 2 and has written a fascinating post for Susan's blog about why many vintage patterns are only written in one size.
  Retro Cloche Hat, copyright Arbour House Publishing
 We have new kits in the knitonthenet shop! As you know, we launched the kits with the Greta Turban and the promise of more - so here they are. We have a whole range of accessories which include the Evangeline Hat, the ever popular Retro Cloche Hat, the Victorian-inspired Tiny Tippet, Miss Laverty's Motoring Hood and one for the chaps, Busker Mitts. Do take a look.

 As well as all of that, there is of course, Susan's and John Arbon's new wool, Excelana. Have you tried it out yet? I have been knitting something for A Stitch in Time volume 2 in the powdered egg colourway and although I don't suit it to wear myself, it has quickly become my favourite colour to knit with. So sunny!

I have been thinking about the colour choices we make and the stitch patterns that we try out, lately, and decided this week to think about and update my Knitter's Geek Code. I wonder what yours looks like?

Lastly, today sees the launch of issue 31 of  UK knitting magazine, The Knitter, in which Susan has both an article about the craft and knitting shops of Paris, and a lovely pattern for a crossover top inspired by the 1920s. Why not get yourself a copy at lunchtime?

Well, I hope that some of that will brighten up your Monday morning! We're back to the secret stuff now.

Happy knitting
Ingrid x

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