Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Another Stitch in Time Photoshoot

I always find it fascinating to hear what goes into the making of a film, tv programme or as we do here at Arbour House, a book. Some might call me nosy, but I bet you are all there watching Dr Who Confidential or the making of Human Planet too.

We had another photoshoot for A Stitch in Time volume 2 during this past week, and for those of you who would like to see a little of what went on, here are a few behind the scenes shots. Obviously (sadly) I can't yet show you the actual garments as that would spoil the surprise, but here's a glimpse at the people involved and a taste of some of the locations that we used.

We had an early start. Our model, Theodora, had her hair set in curlers the previous day and came up on the train in a very fetching headscarf. She's getting ready for a set of 1930s photographs here, and pinning her hair into curls.

It was a beautiful day for the all-day outdoor shoot that we had planned, so great for photographs in the local public gardens. Here are Susan and Gavin getting some shots of Theo's 1930s look and what will be, I'm sure, a most popular cardigan.

As well as Theo, Susan and Gavin, our intern, Daisy and I were both on hand to help in the production of the photographs. Daisy (above) was assisting Gavin with all of the cameras and photographic equipment that we took from location to location with us, whilst I (below) did the clothing changes and made sure that Theo's hair stayed in place and that the garments sat properly whilst the photos were taken.

This was taken at the seafront and marina. There was a lovely turquoise and white boathouse that we were using as a backdrop.
Of course, all of the garments have to be shot in locations that lend a vintage feel, and the one that you see being set up, above was in the palm house of a botanical garden. The lady looking after the plant sales was very interested to see what we were doing.

 With such a sunny day, it would have been a shame not to take some shots by the seaside. We set up on the end of the local pier to take photographs of one of the quintessential garments of the book. There were quite a few other people enjoying the sunshine, but in the English way, they didn't ask what we were doing and pretended we weren't there at all!

It was a most productive day's work and afterwards we all had a good look through the day's shots on the tv screen and Susan made us her fabulous pasta. We didn't get up quite so early the next day!

I hope that has given you a bit more of a glimpse into what goes into just one day of book production (notwithstanding the research, knitting, pattern writing, laying up of the pages and the many other jobs!)
If you missed our recent film of a previous photoshoot, please do click here to watch that too - it really makes it come alive.

Of course, you can still pre-order the book from the knitonthenet shop by clicking here too.

Happy Knitting
Ingrid x

All images copyright Ingrid Murnane.

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