Frequently Asked Questions

Here at knitonthenet we get a lot of questions through our contact form on the website. I thought it might be useful to post the answers to the three top questions we are asked here, for easy reference.
How can I get a poppy pattern?
Just call me Ruby's poppy brooch pattern is only available for purchase and download during the Royal British Legion's Poppy Appeal timeframe, which runs from the start of October until mid-November. This is an agreement we have with the British Legion in order that all monies from the downloads go straight to their appeal fund. Look out for it again this October!
What does the instruction w&t mean in a pattern (for instance Maille)?
'W&T' means 'wrap and turn', which is an instruction that is used when a pattern requires you to do short row shaping, such as for bust darts or shoulder shaping. I wrote a blog post a little while ago which should help you with this: short rows.
Where can I find the pattern errata?
Here! We are working hard at getting all of the errata up on the page, and they are not all there currently. If you don't think that a pattern is working quite right, but can't find the errata, please do get in touch we we will sort it out with you.
Please do keep sending in your questions about anything you need to ask about knitonthenet and we will get back to you as soon as we can. Just one thing though... please, please remember to put in your own email address, or I won't be able to answer!
Happy knitting
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