Many Thanks
We are delighted that issue 3 is live and being very well received. Thank you for all your kind comments. There are already exciting developments for issue 4 and for the updates to come for issue 3.
We are also planning our stand at Stitch 'n Bitch UK on November 10th and look forward to meeting many of readers there. We hope to have computers available for you to browse knitonthenet, garments displays, patterns etc to purchase and the 'Stitch in Time' fashion show, starring, we hope, The Shellac Sisters and Jane Waller herself. Find out more here.
Our map is proving a big hit with many of you adding your favorite store or knitting club. Don't forget to leave a comment so we know what the location is.
best wishes
the knitonthenet team
We are also planning our stand at Stitch 'n Bitch UK on November 10th and look forward to meeting many of readers there. We hope to have computers available for you to browse knitonthenet, garments displays, patterns etc to purchase and the 'Stitch in Time' fashion show, starring, we hope, The Shellac Sisters and Jane Waller herself. Find out more here.
Our map is proving a big hit with many of you adding your favorite store or knitting club. Don't forget to leave a comment so we know what the location is.
best wishes
the knitonthenet team